This morning I cleaned off all the bugs that had smashed into Kino during last night's adventures in the dark countryside. The cleaning cloths I bought from Rubber World (Canadian Tire) are crud, and are anything but the polishing clothes they advertise themselves to be. I guess I should bit the bullet and bought one of those $25 chamoises....it just seemed like a lot of money for a cloth.
It turned out to be a hot summer's afternoon, so we escaped to the cool shady spots of Stanley Park.

What was always a beautiful drive is even more so on a motorbike. I really appreciated being small and agile on that road, especially compared to all the lumbering tour buses and mess of cars that were falling over each other in the parking lots. Leaving all that behind us, we drove down to 3rd beach and parked next to a Honda Shadow. Then I came to my first parking dilemma: the ticket says place face up on dash, but I have no dash.

Perhaps that's why no other bike in the parking lot had purchases a ticket. Oh well. Anywho, I grabbed a hot dog and a drink and found a nice patch under a tree that

overlooked the beach. Had a bit of a waking nap whilst watching the clouds whip by through my sunglasses. I couldn't help but think to myself "if there's more to life than this, I don't want to know what it is."
But there was more to life, and it came in the form of larger, more threatening clouds. So we moved on to our next rest stop, which was admittedly about five minutes down the road when we parked by the seawall and watched some freighters, joggers, and of course, other motorbikes.

Next stop, Sarah & Andrea's where I visited a rather cantakerous Molly. Molly has a bit of a cold right now, and is frustrated by the fact that she can't suck on her thumb and breath simaltaneously. Can't blame her really. After a little visit, we cruised back downtown and then down Denman, Davie, and finally Burrard. I couldn't get home along Cordova, as it appears the something at Codova & Richards caught fire tonight, and was billowing blacker than night smoke high into the air. I hope it wasn't the Smiling Cafe.

After skirting around the five alarm blaze, it became apparent that it was just too freakin' nice out to turn in, so we potatoed-potatoed across the Second Narrows and headed for Coal Harbour. I'm beginning to realize how much more you can feel on a motorrand than inside a car. The winding road that leads to Coal Harbour is full of places where the temperature and the smell will change dramatically from one area to the next. It's an incredible feeling. Eventually we hit the end of the road, so we parked and I went for a little stroll through the seaside park, and watched some people play something that looked like a cross between Water Polo and Kayaking. If I didn't have so many hobbies on the go, I would've signed up then and there.

The dark clouds started to close in again, so we made our way back home. Tomorrow the plan is to go to Langley to pick up some accessories, and hopefully go for a ride with a BCSC classmate in the afternoon. Hope we don't get rained out (again).
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