Any excuse: 3515km - 3543km

Okay, so I meant to spend the evening cleaning, just in case some people pop by after the Martini party tomorrow night, but the upcoming storm seemed to be in suspended animation, and I couldn't help thinking how nice an evening ride would be. Also, I didn't seem to have the cream and tomatoes I needed to make the pasta I was planning, so I really had NO CHOICE but to go out to eat. ;) And what better place to chow down than my favourite Mongolian Grill at 3rd and Commercial?
So into the evening we rode. The restaurant was open and delicious as usual. I had my tried and true combo of lamb, beef, noodle, and veggies with the "House Sauce" (a mix of most of the available sixteen sauces, which takes me FOREVER to create). I sat outside so I could keep one eye on Kino, and watched the sky grow darker with both night and cloud. It's amazing how many heads turn to take a peek at Kino as they pass by, not the least of which was three seperate groups of riders out on a motorcycle lesson. I can't help but smile at all the attention Kino gets. (Just the other day someone actually videotaped Kino and I riding by them as we cruised the seawall. Kino's going to be a celebrity somewhere!)
The storm still seemed to be holding off when we started out again, so a quick tour of Stanley Park was in order, if for no other reason than to practice my slow speed manuevers.
The only major riding event was witnessing an accident on Victoria in front of us. We stopped to make sure that everyone was okay, but everyone seemed cool and there was no argument as to who was at fault. Just glad no one was hurt. They didn't see each other's signals, so crunch they went. Be obvious when you drive kids!
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