Saturday Night Downtown: 3543km - 3572km

So I'm sitting at home on Saturday Night reading Intercom manuals for the TV Mobile truck I'm working on the next day. (UN's in town at the Pan Pacific. I'd advise not coming unless you're interested in the subject matter...the free swag's not that hot.) Bah, the system I was prepping for looked close enough to the one I'm used to, so screw the manual, it's time for a ride. Martina was online so I msg'd her, and by ten o'clock we had met up in Stanley Park for a night ride around the seawall. The next stop was Starbucks at Robson & Thurlow, but not before some crazy alley riding.
At Starbucks we met up with some other riders, one of which was one of Martina's old family friends. We all stood around talkin' about everything from biking to Archeology until well past 12:30am. I think this is the coolest part of riding...the socializing. I've yet to pass a bike that didn't wave to me. Why don't cars do that? It's like instantly making friends with anyone with a bike, everyone's looking out for eachother and everyone wants to know about your bike and tell you about theirs. So far, everyone I've met starts off the conversation with riding, but more often than not that's just an icebreaker. Man, I wish I had started riding YEARS ago.
So I didn't memorize the Intercom manual. And y'know what, it was totally worth it. Kids, ride your life away - today!
Dude, if cars waved at every other car, folks couldn't talk on their phones, drink their latte and watch DVDs while driving! Don't be foolish!
I think certain cars do the wave...mostly VWs, I imagine...
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