Where the hell have you been? 3883km - 4338km

First off, the group rides. Last Tuesday I joined up with a night ride, which took us through Jericho, UBC, Richmond, and finally Burnaby. I learned a shameful lesson about why it's important to ride for yourself and NOT try to keep up with the pack, but everyone was very cool about it and took the time to explain the importance of riding at your own pace to me. I felt really horrible about the ride, but after going back to the same route a couple of nights later I felt a lot better. That and both Bob and Martina were full of nothing but kind words about the whole situation, and I feel like it was a lesson learned that will one day save my life. Ever since that night, I always ride as if my best friend were my passenger. Feels good to be doing things right again.
So a large contingent of riders descended upon the Rugby Club & Grill, and hopefully left a big enough tip to make up for all the trouble we caused. (No fights or damaged goods...just a lot of customers at a night and time they probably didn't expect such a crowd.) There I met Bob and CJ for the first time, two awesome people with impressive riding resumes. Being half Japanese, I felt it necessary to take a picture of everyone's food. Featured on this entry is my cashew chicken with schezwan edamame beans and CJ's plate of grilled veggies. Become a biker...eat well!
Since that night I've been on a few rides around town. Maybe I'm backwards, but I'm finding my favourite rides are actually just cruising around downtown. My slow speed maneuvers are starting to feel a little more polished, and being stuck in traffic is no longer the teeth-grating experience I remember it to be.
Kino started to leak gear oil from somewhere near the rear wheel. A few drops a day, but enough to make me call the shop to make an appointment. However, they were booked solid for a whole week, but told me to just try tightening the bolts. Damn if it didn't work....either that or I'm out of gear oil. Sunday I'm taking it out to Whiterock where we can work on the bike and add some gear oil if necessary.
Tonight we stopped in Kits to pick up a burger at Vera's to take to the beach. We parked next to an older red V-star Classic, sans a lot of the fixins' that Kino has. I wish the owner would've come out to tell stories of her/his bike, but sadly it didn't happen. Also of note: Kino's glove compartment is EXACTLY the right size to hold one large hamburger. I found that food stays nice and warm in there too. Can't say the same for the coke though.....had to shove that in my jacket.

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